Wholesome food – a means to enhance life
We need food that enhances life and does not simply fill the stomach with empty calories, without supplying any life-giving nourishment. We need fresh, safe food, full of ‘life’ which allows us to say: ‘We are eating life.’ But what is this life contained in our food which is supposed to supply us with life?
Life is a force, it is energy, and information, and thus it is more than the sum of its material and measurable parts (as Aristotle said), and the philosopher Martin Heel added: ‘The measurable part of the world is not the world. It is only the measurable part of the world.’
This is how I interpret my mission as food producer, farmer and butcher: Looking for the right balance in every step on the long way from the field to the table. Do everything to protect and preserve life in the food items you produce. Refrain from doing anything that might disrupt or destroy this balance.
Wholesome food is nourishment for body and soul. A keen mind and a serene soul reside in a strong and vital body. Agriculture and food production first and foremost are essentially cultural, life-serving events.
‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.’ (Hippokrates)
Agriculture and food production first and foremost are essentially cultural, life-serving events.